Thursday, February 28, 2008

Are they Leaders?

Yesterday, I was shocked to see my 'boys' being reprimanded by one of the teachers. The sad part was they were not ordinary boys! They were my leaders! My school prefects! Can you imagine how I felt at that point of time??? I almost choked on my tears. I was quite devastated by the fact that they were misbehaving before the commencement of their extra lessons in school.

You must be wondering why I was really affected by the whole incident. Reason being; I am their Prefects' Mistress and I was responsible for their appointments as a Head Prefect and Councillor. It shattered my heart because even when the whole world was passing remarks about 'my' prefects, I was trying my utmost best to enliven the image of the Prefectorial Board. I believed in them. Then again, what could I do?

All I hoped for was for them to understand the meaning of sacrifice and keep their focus in their studies. Hopefully, when the PSLE results are revealed this year, I can rejoice together with them.

reincarnated angel


jeslin said...
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lynn said...

yes! its is sad to see that your own prefact to be naughty and scolded by the teacher! BUT YOU MUST WORK HARDER TO WIN!

YiSi said...

Hi Ms Hayati!
Or shld I say Mdm Hayati??
Read ur post & I think the prefects will noe how hard you are tryin to help the prefectorial board..
They will noe..
Cause our batch also noe the hardwork tt you teachers put it.. Gudd effort..

cottoncandyy (: said...

Hello Mdm hayati.. i finally found your blog.. well.. reading your post.. I think they should know the responsibilities and the image they hold.. It must be devastating but give them a chance.. to repent.. (;

And.. Thanks for being a prefect mistress... (; You inspires my life.. ;D


hilles, miss hayati, oh sorry MDM Hayati, hahas,joking.
i am sure that the prefects or us, me know that you are doing alot to help the prefectorial board.
you are being appreciated.hahas.