Thursday, February 28, 2008

Are they Leaders?

Yesterday, I was shocked to see my 'boys' being reprimanded by one of the teachers. The sad part was they were not ordinary boys! They were my leaders! My school prefects! Can you imagine how I felt at that point of time??? I almost choked on my tears. I was quite devastated by the fact that they were misbehaving before the commencement of their extra lessons in school.

You must be wondering why I was really affected by the whole incident. Reason being; I am their Prefects' Mistress and I was responsible for their appointments as a Head Prefect and Councillor. It shattered my heart because even when the whole world was passing remarks about 'my' prefects, I was trying my utmost best to enliven the image of the Prefectorial Board. I believed in them. Then again, what could I do?

All I hoped for was for them to understand the meaning of sacrifice and keep their focus in their studies. Hopefully, when the PSLE results are revealed this year, I can rejoice together with them.

reincarnated angel

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Examination Fever

Hi again,

Yes, the examinations are here to stress both teachers and pupils. I do see pupils messing with their books and notes yet I do see those who are having a good time at play. Hmmm... I wonder. They are so 'cool' about not revising for their exams? Actually, I was guilty of doing last minute revision myself(back then when I was a student) BUT I did ensure that I understood my teachers' teachings /lessons and complete all class assignments.

I guess, pupils of my era were really afraid of our teachers. Seriously, I do feel pressurised when my pupils do not do well as I really feel responsible towards them. After marking their papers, regardless of whatever subjects, I truly feel that they could have done better! Maybe, they have not realised their pontential yet but many a time, I think that I may not have done enough to motivate them.*Sigh* So pupils, at your first attempt, you may not succeed in achieving your goals because failure is the road to success.

Fulfil that dream,
Reincarnated Angel


Hi all,

it's a joy to know that you would want to read about my 'uninteresting' life. Well, this blog is dedicated to my pupils whom I believe have great aspirations in their lives.

This blog is not entirely about my personal life but I hope that, by sharing my anecdotes in life, my pupils are able develop their characters. Perhaps, not all pupils will be inspired but if I can touch a few out of dozens of them, I'm contented.

Pupils, you are welcome to share your comments too as I trust that we can learn from each other.

Reincarnated Angel